Award Board of Trustees:The Award Board of Trustees includes:
- The Chancellor of the University, Chairman.
- Vice Chancellor for Research and Graduate Studies.
- Director of the Sharjah Foundation for the History of Arab and Muslim Sciences.
- Two members of the Foundation Board of Trustees.
Award Board of Trustees Mandate:
- Develop the procedures, foundations, and criteria governing the award.
- Announce the award and approve the subject domains and conditions.
- Develop and improve upon the award.
- Oversee cultural relations as with similar prizes.
- Publicize the award through the various media.
- Develop studies and research in the interest of developing the award.
- Select and monitor the referee committees for the award.
- Review what is published in the name of the award in terms of books, studies and research.
- Prepare the estimated budget for the award and its total expenses.
- Announce the names of the award winners based upon the recommendations of the referees.
Award Board of Trustees Meetings:
The board shall meet upon invitation of its chairman and its sessions shall be considered legitimate in the attendance of the majority of its members. Decisions and recommendations shall be taken by the majority of its members present. If there is a tie in the vote, the outcome shall be decided by the vote of the chairman.
Award Board of Trustees Term:
The term of the board shall be for two years from the date of the decision to form the board, and its mandate shall continue until the re-formation of the board.